Friday, May 2, 2008

uh oh.

So. Apparently there's a mole in Cannon Falls. He is a mole with good intentions, but nonetheless, a mole. Said mole works for the Cannon Falls Beacon, our small town paper, and had an idea to print links to blogs written by Cannon Falls citizens past and present in the paper. This does not bode well for me considering my frequent use of "curse words". I know I'm a little crass, but I find true pleasure in these words. They apply the correct amount of emphasis that I require for my daily speech. I'm dramatic, what can I say. However, after this incident, I'm now wary as to who is viewing my blog: grandparents, small children, newspaper dudes, adults who aren't aware of my dirty mouth, etc.

Do I need to censor myself? Is it too much? AM I HURTING YOUR FEELINGS? ha ha... okay, see, there I go being dramatic again. But, do notice that there are no "curse words" in this here post.

I guess it's time for little ol' me to clean my act up. Or is it?

P.S. - Mike, if you're reading this now, I don't hate you. Don't worry. But, you have given me a reality check to the lack of privacy on the internet, so thanks.


wendy lewis said...

they don't call it the world wide web for nothing, miss kitty! now you know that you are out there for the world to see... and judge. (teehee)

but hey... yer the greatest! xx

Mike Dalton said...

Oh shit, Kitty, write whatever the hell you want! Me and the mole talked it over, and people use the Internets at their own risk. There's a lot more out there to be offended about than a couple of little cuss words on a blog.

In fact, we'll link directly to your blog if you'd like.