Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Bestest Mommy in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!

So. In honor of such a wonderful woman on a day such as mother's day, I shall brag:
1. She is amazing.
2. She's really amazing.
3. She sings her ass off.
4. She is possibly one of the most insightful people I know.
5. She sacrificed her body in order to love my sister and me.
6. She always entertains me.
7. Everyone loves her because she's amazing, so therefore she has amazing friends too.
8. She can cook real good-like.
9. She's funny and very cute... eh hem.... I mean beautiful and tough. I don't think she likes being called cute. Sorry.
10. She always knows how to comfort me when I'm feeling blue...

I could keep going all night, so I'd better stop. BUT! These things must be voiced! Her good deeds/qualities will not go unnoticed, and they don't.



Jaime said...

that is the most adorable fucking thing in the whole fucking adorable world.

i see you so soon.

ps. new blogalicious site:

it's got peeps.

wendy lewis said...

o kitty... you are so schweet. thank you. i love you. and just remember... you will always be my baby.