Tuesday, February 26, 2008

today is my day... or something

Well. It's here. Woopdi fucking doo.

My mother thinks I'm becoming too cynical for only having 20 years under my belt. I think that in order to survive a day in the life of a 21 century teenager, you have to be.

All of my parents ("all" meaning the evil step parents as well) celebrated kitty day last night at Cafe Maude. Dinner conversation was composed of my father yelling about how he's sick of people bashing America and my mother expressing her need to flee the country. Brent and I sat and stared and occasionally shared a knowing glance. This is usually how things go when all of the parents get together. It sounds worse than it actually is. It's pretty damn entertaining. Most of the time, I'm internally scoffing, but in a loving way. So, after chocolate pistachio torte, scone bread pudding and some coffee, we all went our separate ways: Mom and Brent to the highway, Dad and Angie to their menagerie, and I begrudgingly to my hobbit hole to study evolution. Which turned into Sarah and I studying for roughly an hour and then delighting in birthday "celebrations" and dancing frantically to Led Zepplin for about 15 minutes until I was winded and needed a glass of water.

I really am getting old.


Unknown said...

happy birthday my lovely lovely. wish i could have been there last night to celebrate (and eat really good food for free ...)

if you're old, what am i? shit.

wendy lewis said...

o kitty... you ARE getting old(er). and i'm glad that all your parents didn't disappoint for your bday dinner. we are a bunch of gnarly conversationalists aren't we. but underneath it all, we're full of love (and angst).


Brent Sigmeth said...

I totally get your drift ...