Sunday, June 8, 2008

Village Wok Moment

I went outside for what I thought was going to be a relaxing cigarette break. The moment I stepped out the door I heard the distinct sound of retching. Great. There was your average college dude-bro wasted of off $2.00 pitchers at the bar Big 10 that's next to our restaurant. His friends were scattered around laughing. I try to avert my eyes, but vomiting is just one of those things that is repulsing and enthralling at the same time.

After awhile, he moved to a chair. We all thought he was done. Alas, he was not. He proceeded to puke on his shoes and the exclaim,

"I'm making it rain! It's my birthday, man, I'm supposed to puke!"

His friends laugh. After his last vomit bout, he yells,

"I wanna smoke some pot! Let's go home... or let's go drink more beer!"

I was down to the butt of my cigarette, they were walking back into the bar... what a delightful way to spend my few moments of respite...

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