Saturday, June 28, 2008

I thought of a challenge!!!

So! Here it is: what do you believe to be your inner age and why?
You, you, you, and you better answer!

Here's my answer:

I am
4. And here's why:
1. I enjoy the simple things in life such
as: ice cream cones, playing little pranks on people (like putting a ball of lint in their hair and not telling them), skipping down the side walk, sleeping, dancing funny dances (usually involves interpreting weird actions or just a lot of unnecessary ass shaking), and, above all else, laughing.

2. I have very immature humor (aka I think poop is funny).

3. I have entered (or realized) a stage of intense nihilism, which I believe is something children do. They have their fun, they don't know why, and frankly they don't care, because they're having fun.

4. When all else fails, I resort to violence. You can hardly call it violence though because I don't think I have enough strength to actually inflict pain on anyone, just like a small child beating on their little sister.

5. Any time that it rains and the sun comes out afterwards, I go searching for rainbows. Oh, and worms.

6. If I could, I would spend all day, every day at the beach, which is the exact same wish that I had as a youngin'.

7. I don't like having responsibility - I'd rather just watch t.v.... well that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but not much...

8. I love being dirty. It makes me feel as if I've accomplished something through hard work. Really though, I just don't like showering.

That little he-she on the right is still the person I am today... ah to be four. Good times. Forever.


Brent Sigmeth said...

Inner Age: I transcended age at some point ... there's no age, man. Humans don't age like trees or rivers (too bad for us). But, if I were to "pick" one, it would probably be a mellow 50 or a naive 9.

wendy lewis said...

Hmmm... I think I'm 12... still a kid but on the verge of awareness; bold, daring, curious, scared and embarrassed; carried away by music, art, poetry, my own exploding thoughts; hungry for interaction; thirsty body and mind; easily distracted; full of dreams and illusions and delusions; avoiding responsibility; changing my mind constantly. Yeah. And probably sometimes brooding, stubborn and annoying.

Sarah said...
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sarah said...

first, poop is not funny. bowel movements prove to be a pinnacle part of my day. without them, i would be constipated.

second, my inner age is the one that allows me to talk about "those damn kids" and be right.

i think it's time i take up knitting.