Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And so this is summer...

Here I sit. Mid-afternoon. Summer days string together; I actually asked someone what day it was yesterday. Another thing about summer is that every night is saturday: aka every night can be a party if you want it to be.

This is what Nathan and I did on a "saturday" night:
(Nathan's, Kitty's)
Poem #1
God Kog
drifting drunkard
Falling forward
I don't know
how to...
kill vultures
reach god
drop life
live free
die quickly.
I squirm complacently.
While suckling my indecency,
Geared up junkies
lay in broken branches
dancing fancy dances
laying in lust
I think about your
You lay on your stomach,
closed. My
hands clenched.
I fear death
I fear breath
Bust yearn for both
space lace
swallowing my brainstorms;
I walk away.
It will only be a moment.
Fearing failures
I jumped
the shifting ship
but fell prey to
the eight armed octagon
scuttled by and
made me quiver.
And that was the
I called my own.

Poem #2: Welcome, this is the Point.
I fell asleep frantically;
cutting through corn fields.
All was mud.
Bleak beguiled boys
stealing pulls of whiskey
stealing thoughts of...
leopard print...hats
fucking leaping lads
with withering hairlines
clutch at my ankles.
They beg for acceptance...
or pity. I'm not sure,
that's true for most things.
What's over there?
laying humorless
and hung
hungry for humor
inverted and content.
This screen glows blue,
giving most things.
I relent and withhold;
I reject and am sold
ink pools
eating fools

1 comment:

wendy lewis said...

whoa. there is some great shit going on here. poem #2 is my fave, i think. your summer days/nights are being well spent. xx